MindTools have been around for some time now. We can start by looking at the Spreadsheet as a MindTool. Google provides a great online application tha tis free to use. The collaboration for such an online tool is unlimited. Each year students in Elementary schools across America are required to develop a Science Project. The MindToolof choice is a spreadsheet where data can be collected and examined at a later date. Spreadsheet allow for sorting and charting results which enhance the learners knowledge. As an educator, I see students using Google spreadsheet as a collaborative collection of data from across the globe. Students collaborating in Camparing and contrasting from different parts of the world ebables them to understand the geographical nature of each location and thus shed new light on an every growing problem that one location might be facing. (Applying realworld issues)
Another great MindTool is Prezi. This tool enables thought bubbles to be organized in a series that hel the learner to understand concepts. Often we think that the tool is only for se on word walls. We forget that Microsoft incorporates a MindTool in most of its software. Miceosoft Project provide a MindTool in its Network View of data. Where the observer can see a visual link of tasks that need to be completed before another starts. In Microsoft Excel, we see the special shapes that devise a positional chart. One can use this to visually show who is in-charge of who. We can discover that many software titles, while tay do not come out and title them MindTools, actually have them built in. |
Using Hypermedia as a MindTool allows the creator to explore greater boundries that the other. Hypermedia can be a link, a photo, a video, a slide show, a sound, and simple texted to organize data, show relationship, and help the learner through a higher level of thinking. In essence, the entire Internet is your playing field. You do not have to settle for a sheet of paper or a permanent software installation. Hypermedia is collaboration at its finest. Cloud computing has become the norm in todays society. My advice is to stop allowing brick walls of a classroom bind you to your lessons. We have all needed help, reach out and grab it. Chances are that someone has already created, developed, tested and taught what you would like to incorporate into your lesson.